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During the SheShow

Please interact with your guest's comments and keep your side conversation with her going throughout the event. COACHING & COMMUNICATING with your Guests is the most critical part. 

We will be doing all the posts for you, but you will be responsible for following up with your guests and closing them. If you need help, just let your Director know. 

Use the responses to your Guest's Registration Form to learn about their Interests and tag them in specific posts during the SheShow.

Monday Message 

Monday Message

On MONDAY, send a message to each of your guests and say- 

Hey there! The SheShow officially kicks off today with Makeup Monday! However, Wednesday night is my FAVORITE part of the SheShow b/c you get to learn about YOUR specific skin! We have our Skin Scan Social where you will be able to download our Skin Analysis Scan on your phone and scan yourself. We will post a video 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝟕:𝟎𝟎 𝐂𝐒𝐓 that will walk everyone through how to use the scan and how to understand their results. The only other way I know of to get a scan like this is at a dermatologist office so we are excited for you to experience it for free! You get to keep your results and will be the only one who sees them. Do you have any questions?

*** Attach Image below

Your Scan will show you... 61521.jpg

If she says anything about not being able to watch it on Wednesday night say-

Ok no worries! You have until we close out the SheShow next Monday. There will be an additional Giveaway that day that will JUST be for the people who watched the Scan Social and answered the questions in the comments. You will be able to find the post later under the #SkinWellnessWednesday topic. Do you have an idea of when you want to watch it so I can touch base and answer any questions you have?

Pro Tip:

Text/Call them if they are not seeing your FB Msg. Not everyone checks their FB Msgs daily so shooting them a text or even calling them can help. 

Wednesday Message 

Wednesday Message

On WEDNESDAY, send a message to your guests- 

Hey there! For tonight you will want to download the Mary Kay Skin Analyzer App before you watch the video. We will post the video at 7:00pm CST. You will want to watch on a computer or tablet so you can use your phone for the Scan while you watch. Let me know when you get the App downloaded 😃

*** Attach Image below

scan post instructions.jpg

You can always check back to make sure they got the App downloaded ok.

We want them to download the App THAT day and not earlier so they don't start playing with it ahead of time. 

Send them a 30 min reminder at 6:30 CST. It is REALLY easy to lose track of time when you plan to attend something virtually and don't have to leave your house for it. 

Pro Tip:

Text/Call them if they are not seeing your FB Msg. Not everyone checks their FB Msgs daily so shooting them a text or even calling them can help. 

the Scan Social Video

During the Scan Social the guests have the opportunity to Nominate people to receive a Blessing Bag, for every 10 names and numbers they write down for you they get a gift. {You can decide what the gift is... a free eye color, $10 product credit, a deluxe mini product, samples..} These names will be your referrals.

You can find our Referral Scripts and how to put together the Blessing Bags with the button below.

Friday Message 

The last Friday of the SheShow you can send a message reminding your Guests that they have until over the weekend to catch up on any posts they want to comment on before we do the Giveaway Monday. 

Friday Message

Send your guests the link to the Session Survey: for 10 more entries into the Giveaway! You will use the Session Survey to help you close your Guests. 

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