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If you have a Hostess, you can have her invite her guests into the Group SheShow. Have her give you her Guest List {names & phone numbers} so you know who her guests are and YOU can communicate & interact with them. 

Socialite Instruction Link: 


Please have all your guests in the group by the Thursday before the SheShow. We will post the Welcome Video and TAG all the Guests who are in the group on that Friday before the SheShow. This helps with the algorithm and allows them to be more likely to see the posts. If they are not in the group before we post the welcome instruction video, they will not be tagged...

If they were not in the group by the time we make the welcome post on Friday, you can tag them in the comments of the Welcome Post once they are in the group.

There will be Pre-Show Posts that run over the Weekend that enter them in the First Giveaway on Monday. Their interaction over the weekend BEFORE the SheShow officially starts will help with the algorithm. 

Below you will find all of the Before the SheShow Training & Scripts for inviting people. 

NEW CONSULTANTS: Anything that is specific to your Personal Kickoff SheShow will be  highlighted in Pink just like this. 


SheShow Prep


Invite Guests to join! Use this the Image above ^ and the Script below to invite people to join our SheShow. You can use Canva or a photo editing app to put the dates of the show on it, if you want.

NEW CONSULTANT KICKOFF SHESHOW: You have a personalized Invite Image that you can use. 

Message people INDIVIDUALLY and try to personalize it to them if you can. Say things like "I thought you would enjoy learning more about..." or "I thought you would really enjoy this experience because..."

Use their Name in the invite. 

Do NOT just start adding people into the Group. Only add people who want to attend. You will get better results if you are communicating with them individually.

Do NOT just post it on your page and in your VIP group.. people either do NOT see it, or there is not any urgency for them to comment so they wait and then forget about it... so you will only get a couple bites from a post, not a substantial number of guests... An Individual reach out is ALWAYS the way to go. 😉

Use their name in the message if you are messaging all of them on Facebook. If Facebook sees you copy/paste the exact same message to a lot of people, they will flag your message and NOT send it... So you have to change the text up a tad.

Pro Tip:

If you do not hear back from them after the first message, send them a follow up message checking back. The biggest mistake we can make is assuming they are not interested when they are really just busy and forgot to respond.

Invite wayyyyyy more than the amount that you actually want to attend because usually about half of who you invite will actually participate if coached well. Coaching your guests is the key!

 New Consultant Script 

Message #1:

Hey {Name}! I hope you are having a fabulous day so far. It's hot. 🤪 I'm hosting a Beauty SheShow on Facebook next week to kick off my new business. It’s a week of the latest Beauty Tips, on-trend Makeup Tutorials & life-changing Skincare Hacks. There are lots of rewards and free stuff for the participants and it helps me with my training. Would you like to check it out? I would love to get your feedback on what you think of it! 

*** Attach the Invite Image your Director sent you 


Message #2:

Great! You can find the group here: {Group Link} 

The SheShow runs Mon-Fri and each day we post different Beauty Tips. There will be LOTS of prizes and Giveaways throughout the week for everyone participating. Crossing my fingers that you win some great stuff! 😁 The SheShow officially kicks off Monday the {Date} but there will be some pre-show posts starting this Friday that you can interact with over the weekend to be entered in the 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 on Monday! Do you have any questions?


Message #3:

Awesome! Here is the link to Register so you can receive rewards:

General Script

Message #1:

Hey {Name}! I hope you are having a fabulous day so far. It's hot. 🤪  I'm participating in a Beauty SheShow on Facebook next week. It’s a week of the latest Beauty Tips, on-trend Makeup Tutorials & life-changing Skincare Hacks. There are lots of rewards and free stuff for the participants. Would you like to check it out? I would love to get your feedback on what you think of it! 

***attach picture 


Message #2:

Great! You can find the group here: {Group Link} 

The SheShow runs Mon-Fri and each day we post different Beauty Tips. There will be LOTS of prizes and Giveaways throughout the week for everyone participating. Crossing my fingers that you win some great stuff! 😁 The SheShow officially kicks off Monday the {Date} but there will be some pre-show posts starting this Friday that you can interact with over the weekend to be entered in the 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 on Monday! Do you have any questions?


Message #3:

Awesome! Here is the link to Register so you can receive rewards:

You can join by yourself, or you have the option to be one of our SheShow Socialites by having 5 friends join you for the SheShow. Our Socialites will be recognized during the Show and will also get a $25+ Free Product Credit . There will be additional rewards based on your guests participation, so you are welcome to invite more than 5 if you want! Lmk if you want more info on the Socialite rewards and I can send them to you. 

If she wants to invite guests, say -

Great! Here are all of the Socialite details:

Past  SheShow Guests

If you invited people to the last SheShow, or to one in the past and they didn't really participate... you can say something like -

Hey {Name}! I hope you are having a fabulous day so far. It's hot. 🤪 I'm not sure if you got the chance to participate in the SheShow as much as you wanted to last week. I know how easy it is for the week to get away from you and fill up with life, so no worries! We had over 10 winners that won anything from Free Product to Designer Jewelry. We are going to do another SheShow next week, so if you are still interested and want another chance to win some free stuff, lmk and I can add you to the new one! They are so much fun and I would love to get your feedback on it. 

Birthday Babe 

Check out your list of Facebook Friends who have Birthdays or go through your Client List of Birthdays and invite them to celebrate their Birthday month with a SheShow. You can give your Birthday Babes a $25 Product Credit/Gift Card to use during the SheShow and/or tell them you will mail them a Facial Kit as a gift. 

 Hey {Name}! Happy early Birthday! I hope you have already been celebrating all month long. We are doing a virtual Beauty Facebook event next week called a SheShow where you will be able to find on trend makeup tutorials and skin care hacks. During the event we will be celebrating all of our August Birthdays! As one of our Birthday Babes you will receive a Free pamper pack in the mail and gift card to spend! Would it be ok if I mailed you this Free Birthday gift and added you to the FB event? 🥳

Message #2

Awesome! Fill out this Registration Form so I can pop your gift in the mail to ya. You can attend by yourself or invite some friends to celebrate with you. If you have a minimum of 5 friends join you, you will receive another $25 Gift Card. Which option works best for you?


Invite all the Brides you know by encouraging them to celebrate their engagement with a SheShow. You can give your Brides a $25 Product Credit/Gift Card to use during the SheShow and/or tell them you will mail them a Facial Kit as a gift. 

 Hey {Name}! Congratulations on your engagement! {add something personal here about the photos you saw or what a cute couple they are or something} We are doing a virtual Beauty Facebook event next week called a SheShow where you will be able to find on trend makeup tutorials and skin care hacks. During the event we will be celebrating all of our Brides! As one of our Brides you will receive a Free pamper pack in the mail and gift card to spend! Would it be ok if I mailed you this Free Bridal gift and added you to the FB event? 🥳

Message #2

Awesome! Fill out this Registration Form so I can pop your gift in the mail to ya. You can attend by yourself or invite some friends or your bridal party to celebrate with you. If you have a minimum of 5 friends join you, you will receive another $25 Gift Card. Which option works best for you?

Someone who wants to Host

This is someone who has mentioned that they want to be a SheShow Socialite/Host. Maybe they just attended a Show and commented on the Friday post that they want to be a Socialite or they agreed to be one when you asked them during the individual close. 

Hey {Name}! I am excited for you to be one of our SheShow Socialites! You will get all kinds of goodies and recognition. When you have a minimum of 5 friends join you, you will automatically get a $25 Gift Card. Then you can also earn additional rewards based on your guest's participation. The more guests you invite the more free stuff you can earn. Here are the details: Our next SheShow is {Dates} does that week work for you?

Message #2

Great! I will put you down and get you the link to the SheShow Group so you can start inviting. Once you have your headcount, send me your guest list. Have your Guests fill out this Registration Form to count for you. Instruct them to put me as the Consultant and you as the person who invited them 

Then make sure to check back with her to get her guest list and compare it to who has registered. You will add her guests as YOUR guests in your tracking. Send each guest a message from you to introduce yourself, and then during the SheShow you will send them the same scheduled messages throughout the show as you do your other guests. 

Booking a Referral {Nominations}

If someone gives you the names and numbers of who they would like to nominate to receive a Blessing Bag, you can use the SheShow Referral script to book them for a SheShow if you would like. If they don't have Facebook you can book them for an In Person or Virtual Session on Zoom. Find all the Referral Scripts and how to make a Blessing Bag/Pamper Pack with the button below. 

As you add guests, please go to the PINNED Announcement in your Unit Facebook Group and put the names of your guests in the Comments on that post so your Director knows which Guest belongs to which Consultant. NEW CONSULTANTS do not need to do this IF you are doing your Kickoff in your own group.

Then please go and comment with an emoji on the PINNED Announcement at the top of the SheShow group. This helps with the algorithm and makes Facebook show the post to more people in the group

Friday Message {Before the Show Starts}

Friday Message

On FRIDAY Individually message each of your guests the Welcome Message-


Hey {Name}! The SheShow will officially kick off on Monday, but there will be some Pre-Show posts this weekend that you can interact with to go into our 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 on Monday! 🥳 Here is the Registration Form to fill out so I know where to send your Rewards. Please lmk if you have any questions! XOXO 


*** Attach the Image below

If you have a Socialite attending, you can send this Welcome Message to her guests so that they know YOU as their Consultant. You can send it to them on FB but if they haven't accepted you as a friend yet they may not see it, so you can also text it to them because your Socialite should have given you a Guest List with their phone numbers. 


Hey {Name}! My name is {Name} and I am {Socialite's Name} Consultant! Thank you so much for attending our Beauty SheShow and counting for her! This is going to be a fun week full of Giveaways and Education. The SheShow will officially kick off on Monday, but there will be some Pre-Show posts this weekend that you can interact with to go into our 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 on Monday! 🥳 Here is the Registration Form to fill out so I know where to send your Rewards. Please lmk if you have any questions! XOXO 


*** Attach the Image below

Pro Tip:

Use their name in the message if you are messaging all of them on Facebook. If Facebook sees you copy/paste the exact same message to a lot of people, they will flag your message and NOT send it... So you have to change the text up a tad.

Welcome image 1.7.22.jpg

Watch my video to learn how I track my SheShow Guests. The first part of the video I show you how I Track & Layer all my prospects, and then I show you how I track JUST my SheShow guests.

Click HERE to make a copy of my SheShow Tracking Google Spreadsheet. It will open up into YOUR Google Drive so you can use it for your Tracking. 

The next phase will walk you through what to do during the SheShow and how to work with your guests starting with a message to send them on Monday when the SheShow kicks off. Use the button below to go to the next Training. 

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